Website to service driving events.

Welcome to the website dedicated service horse driving competition.


For nearly 20 years we supported driving competitions in Poland and abroad. As the first in Poland, we provided the organizers of the electronic timing and displays on all marathon obstacles and in cones.


For the organizers we offer a professional service backed by nearly 20 years of experience related to computer service - the creation of start and result lists, as well we provide electronic equipment for driving competitions - photocells, electronic timing with displays on all marathon obstacles, clocks for start and finish on sections and photocells and electronic time with display in the cones.


Expanding our offer created a web portal designed for athletes and event organizers. Athletes can entry to the competition, and the organizers can manage entries. We also present the results and archive results from supported events on-line.

On-line results

Cones on-line  FIN on-line 

Maraton on-line 

Dressage on-line

 A+B on-line